Hello and Welcome
My name is Juulia and I'm an online therapist.
I help individuals who are struggling with anxiety and perfectionism to live more meaningful lives free of fear.
I look forward to learning about you and helping you on your journey.

Juulia Karlstedt | she/her
MA, PgD, MBACP (Accredited)
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Some reasons people come to see me...
Anxiety and perfectionism show up in so many aspects and areas of our lives. Below are some of the reasons why people have come to see me at my practice.

Struggling at Work
Work is often a trigger for those of us who struggle with anxiety and perfectionism. It is easy for our sense of self-worth to become tied to our outputs and productivity. If you are finding that you are struggling with burnout, workplace stress, procrastination, work/life balance, or self-criticism relating to your work, you might benefit from counselling.

Struggling at University
University is often the first place that people begin to truly struggle with their anxiety and perfectionism. This can present as struggling to attend lectures and complete assignments, procrastination and self-criticism, as well as low self-esteem and difficulty feeling connected with friends. Therapy offers a place to make sense of what you are struggling with and learn the skills you need to thrive at University.

Struggling with Infertility and/or Pregnancy
It is normal to experience a degree of anxiety while struggling with infertility. Every month of trying brings with it worries, fears, and often grief. Therapy provides a place to work through the complex emotions that come up while trying to conceive and to learn skills for navigating the anxieties that will naturally come up. Anxiety is also very present during pregnancy, particularly if you have had experiences of previous pregnancy losses. Counselling provides a space to voice your fears and learn ways of coping.
Adult Third Culture Kids (ATCK)
Growing up in a culture different from that of our parents or moving repeatedly as a child can have lasting impacts (both positive and challenging) on us that we carry into adulthood. Belonging is often a common theme in my work with individuals who have grown up abroad. Moving and navigating different cultures often gives you the ability to be adaptable and make friends easily while simultaneously making you feel different and 'othered'. It can also change the way you relate to your own cultural identity and for many individuals who have grown up abroad, moving to another country is more comfortable than thinking about moving to their 'home country'. Therapy provides a place to process the complex emotions that come up as a result of an unusual childhood.

Online Private Counselling
for Anxiety & Perfectionism
Anxiety and stress over change is a normal reactions to change and uncertainty. Entering counselling with a therapist can provide a space to reflect and find ways of coping with those normal reactions so they no longer seem as overwhelming and paralyzing.
Therapy is a process and the decision to begin seeing a private counsellor is not made lightly. Finding a therapist who understands what you are hoping to achieve from counselling can be daunting. If you have any questions about my experience or if I am the right counsellor for you, please get in touch or make an initial appointment to speak in more depth about how counselling might be a good fit for you.

"We don't have to do it all alone. We were never meant to."
- Brene Brown